Mareenuh Mordugord Gezgurv (((OGRIGINAL)))

Mareenuh Mordugord Gezgurv

Some of you know that bullshit pastacreepy about some red dude. Well, actually is not original story. THIS is the real story.

Pasta The

Well, one day I was at a flea market and I saw a vidya tape that said "THE OGIRINAL SNOW WHITE" It was obviouzly legit so i took it.
Then i put it in my 1990's vidya player cause I'm classy liek that.
The Main menu said "THE OGIRINAL SNOW WHITE TURN BEK 666 BLOOD YOLO" so then i just said "Must be a hlitcg and I shrugged it off and said "Must be a hlitcg" So i shrugged it off and said "Must be a hlitcg" So I shrugged it off and said "Must be a hlitcg" and i played the vidya. 
The vidya was of the bullshizniggle pasta Mareenuh Mordugord Gezgurv. I knew i would have to gouge out my eyes so i did it early.
And thats how i wrote this pasta
Cause y'know
Fuck it
Go away